Product Code |
250703032300 |
Color |
Size |
30 x 30 x0.8CM |
Materials |
Polyethylene |
Weight |
0.7KG |
Warranty |
--- |
Assembly Type |
Assembly Time |
0MIN |
Delivery Type |
Package Size |
32 x 32 x 7.2cm |
Package Weight |
0.7KG |
Made In |
Anti-bacterial and anti-odor. Improved cushioning! Can be easily cut with scissors.
Recommended for households with pets or children
Excellent resilience and cushioning effect to reduce noise to the floor below. Economical as only the soiled part needs to be replaced. It can be cut with scissors you have at home, so it's easy to adjust the size. It has an antibacterial and deodorant finish that suppresses the growth of specific bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, thereby suppressing the generation of odors. It has a soft, raised surface that feels good to the touch♪

*The image uses ivory. 9-piece set with borders ● Anti-bacterial and anti-odor ● Improved cushioning ● Eases the burden on pets' legs and backs ● Can be easily cut with scissors ● Hand-washable ■ Combination size (approx.): 0.5 tatami mat ■ Size (approx.): 1 mat 30 x 30 x 0.8 cm (not including borders) ■ Set contents Mat: 9 pieces Borders: 4 for corners / 9 for borders ■ Material Surface: 100% polyester Back: polyethylene ■ Hand-washable * Depending on the type of non-wax floor covering or coating, : 4 for corners / 9 for edges■MaterialSurface: 100% polyesterBack: polyethylene■Hand wash※Depending on the type of non-wax floor covering or coating, white-colored floor coverings may yellow. Please do not use on white-colored floors. Yellowing can be reduced by UV rays, but the degree of reduction will vary. Please do not use the mat near fire or in places where it will be exposed to direct heat from a heater, etc. Please do not use the mat in combination with underfloor heating. 【Precautions for handling】 ・When cutting the edges of the mat with scissors, please be careful not to injure yourself. ・Please be careful not to trip over the joints. You can make the mat more stable to use by attaching adhesive tape to the back of the joints. ・If you leave the mat on the floor for a long time, or if the floor is covered in wax, chemicals or water, the vinyl chloride or other floor covering may discolor or stick to the mat, so please wipe the floor surface from time to time. ・If you are concerned about the smell due to the characteristics of the material, please store it in a well-ventilated, shady place for a while before using it. ・Please be careful as the mat may slip depending on the type of floor. ・Please be careful as the mat may shed if rubbed too hard. ・Please note that the fibers at the joints may come out due to the characteristics of the product.

※画像はアイボリーを使用しています。 9枚入り ふち付き●抗菌防臭●クッション性アップ!●ペットの足腰への負担を和らげます。●ハサミで簡単に切れます●手洗いOK■組み合わせサイズ(約):0.5帖■サイズ(約):マット1枚 30×30×厚さ0.8㎝(ふち部分含まず)■セット内容マット:9枚ふち:角用×4本/ふち用×9本■材質表面:ポリエステル100%裏面:ポリエチレン■手洗い※ノンワックスタイプの床材やコーティングの種類により、白色系の床材が黄変することがあります。 白色系の床でのご使用はおさけください。黄変は紫外線により軽減しますが程度に差があります。※火に近づけたり、直接ストーブ等の火があたるところでのご使用はお止めください。※床暖房との併用はお止めください。【取り扱い上のご注意】・マットの端をはさみでカットされる場合は、けがをしなようにご注意ください。・接合部分でつまずかないようにご注意ください。接合部分の裏側を接着テープなどで留めると、より安定してご使用いただけます。・本品を長時間敷いたままにしておいたり、床面にワックス・薬品・水などが付着していると、塩化ビニルなどの床材が変色、または密着する場合がありますので、時々床面をふいてご使用ください。・材質の特性上、においの気になる方は、風通しの良い日陰にしばらく保管された後にご使用ください。・床の種類によって、マットがすべる場合がありますのでご注意ください。・強くこすると毛羽落ちのおそれがありますので、ご注意ください。・商品の特性上、接合部分の毛羽は抜けることがございますのでご了承ください。