

元の価格 ₹ 799 - 元の価格 ₹ 799
₹ 799
₹ 799 - ₹ 799
現在の価格 ₹ 799
MRP: ₹999


Product Code 250837114100
Size 6.4 x 6.4 x 14.2CM
Weight 0.09KG
Warranty ---
Assembly Type ASSEMBLED
Assembly Time 0MIN
Package Size 6.6 x 6.6 x 15cm
Package Weight 0.12KG
This is the order page for the “No Small Home Appliance Recycling Ticket” option. If you would like to order this, please select the “With Small Home Appliance Recycling Ticket” option. This is a paid service that allows you to fill a box with as many small home appliances as you like (2,200 yen including tax). *There are weight and size restrictions on the collection box.

●Light Bulb for Viewing●Retro, Gentle Light※This product is for viewing purposes only. As it is a light bulb with reduced brightness, it is not suitable for everyday use. Please use it for viewing purposes only.【Specifications】●For indoor use●50Hz/60Hz AC common use●E26 base●Equivalent to 20W●Light bulb color equivalent●Brightness: 180 lm●Power consumption: 3.8W● Glass color: Amber ● Dimensions (approx.): 142 mm (length) x 64 mm (maximum diameter) ● Design life: 15,000 hours *The design life is the time until the total luminous flux decreases to 70%. The display is the design life and does not guarantee the life of the product. 【Cannot be used in the following types of equipment】●Equipment or circuits with dimming (brightness adjustment) functions (cannot be used even when 100% lit)●Light bulbs or circuits with remote controls (excluding compatible equipment)●Emergency lighting equipment, emergency lighting equipment●Mercury lamps, sodium lamps, metal halide lamps, and other HID lamp equipment●Insulation material construction equipment [SB, SGI, SG type display equipment] (excluding compatible equipment)※In addition to the above, equipment shapes and dimensions, HID lamps such as mercury lamps, sodium lamps, and metal halide lamps, and other lamps with insulation [SB, SGI, and SG-type labeled fixtures] (excluding compatible fixtures) *In addition, the shape and dimensions of the fixture, factors such as heat build-up, etc., may prevent use or shorten the life of the lamp. 【Handling Precautions】●If the weight of the lamp to be replaced differs, be careful not to tip over or drop the fixture due to the loss of balance. ●Do not use in places where the lamp may be exposed to water or other liquids, or in places where it may be exposed to direct current. ●In places where the lamp is frequently switched on and off (such as in places where it is switched on and off by a motion sensor), the lamp life may be shortened. ●If the lamp is switched on near audio or video equipment such as radios or televisions, noise may be picked up. In addition, depending on the electronic device, it may not operate correctly. (In this case, please use the lamp at least 1 meter away from the device.)●If the lamp is used near a device that uses an infrared remote control (such as a TV or air conditioner), the remote control may malfunction.●Since there is variation in the color and brightness of LED elements, the color and brightness of products with the same model name may differ.

こちらは『小型家電リサイクル券 無し』の注文ページです。ご希望の方は『小型家電リサイクル券 有り』をお選び下さい。本券は、ご不要になった小型家電を詰め放題で回収できる有料サービス(2,200円税込)です。※回収箱には重量とサイズの制限がございます。

●鑑賞する電球●レトロでやさしいあかり※本品は観賞用です。明るさをおさえた電球のため、日常生活用としては適していません。観賞用としてご使用ください。【仕様】●屋内用●交流 50Hz/60Hz共用●E26口金●20形相当●電球色相当●明るさ:180 lm●消費電力:3.8W●ガラス色:アンバー●寸法(約):全長142×最大径64mm●設計寿命:15,000時間※設計寿命は全光束が70%まで低下するまでの時間です。表示は設計寿命であり、商品の寿命を保証するものではありません。【次のような器具には使用できません】●調光(明るさ調整できる)機能のついた器具や回路(100%点灯でも使用不可)●リモコンのついた電球器具や回路(適合表示器具を除く)●誘導灯、非常用照明器具●水銀灯、ナトリウムランプ、メタルハライドランプなどのHIDランプ器具●断熱材施工器具[SB、SGI、SG形表示器具](適合表示器具を除く)※このほか器具の形状や寸法、熱がこもるなどの要因により、使用できなかったり寿命が短くなる場合があります。【取り扱い上のご注意】●交換するランプの質量が異なる場合、器具の均等がくずれることによる転倒や落下に注意してください。●水滴などがかかる場所、直流電流の環境では使用しないでください。●点滅を頻繁に繰り返す場所(人感センサーで点滅をおこなう場所など)では、ランプの寿命が短くなったりする場合があります。●ラジオやテレビなどの音響、映像機器の近くで点灯すると、雑音が入ることがあります。また、無線を使用した電子機器によっては、正しく作動しなくなることがあります。(このような場合はランプから1m以上離して使用してください)●赤外線リモコンを使用した機器(テレビやエアコンなど)の近くで点灯すると、リモコンは誤作動することがあります。●LED素子には光色、明るさにバラつきがあるため、同じ形名の商品でも光色、明るさが異なる場合があります。

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
It's pretty good.

Even after I changed the light bulb in my room because it was too bright, it was still bright, so I bought one of these to try. I think I may have finally found a light bulb with the right level of darkness for me. For now, I plan to buy a few more.

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