इसे छोड़कर सामग्री पर बढ़ने के लिए

N Inbox Lid_(W)_Reg_WH

मूल कीमत ₹ 249 - मूल कीमत ₹ 249
मूल कीमत
₹ 249
₹ 249 - ₹ 249
मौजूदा कीमत ₹ 249
MRP: ₹304


Product Code 250842223500
Size 38.8 x 26.5 x 1.5cm
Weight 0.23kg
Warranty -
Assembly Type Assembled
Assembly Time -
Delivery Type DropOffDelivery
Package Size 38.8 x 26.5 x 1.5cm
Package Weight 0.23kg
There is no change in the specifications from the old N-in-box series.

Compatible storage cases]

● Storage case N-in-box regular size and yoko half size compatible lid
● Can be used as a lid for N-in-box and as a tray
● Perfect for storing 42cm wide color boxes
● Flat design lids for versatile storage boxes
● Perfectly aligns horizontally to create a neat storage space

*Compatible with the old In Box series in the same size, both the body and lids can be stacked.

Handling Precautions
●Do not place near a heat source. Do not place near a heat source, as this may cause deformation or damage.
Do not use as a step stool. Do not use the product as a step stool, or it may be damaged, causing it to fall over and cause injury.
● Do not use the product in unstable or high places.



●収納ケース Nインボックス レギュラーサイズ・よこハーフサイズ対応フタ



Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Fits perfectly.

With storage like this, the lid is sometimes missing, so it's nice to have something simple and sturdy like this.

Used in the changing room.

I have an N-Porda in my changing room, and I store N-inboxes containing laundry detergent and refillable shampoo on the shelf. I bought this because I wanted to keep the detergent covered, as it smells and gets sticky when it gets dusty. The lid is a little high for the softener, but I think it's within acceptable limits. There is no hole for your finger to put your finger through to make it close tightly, so I felt it was difficult to use if it was closed tightly. Also, if you forcefully open it, the lid is light, so it will fall off the shelf. The purpose is to close it, but I thought they should also consider making it easier to open.

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