इसे छोड़कर सामग्री पर बढ़ने के लिए


बिक गया
मूल कीमत ₹ 44,990 - मूल कीमत ₹ 44,990
मूल कीमत
₹ 44,990
₹ 44,990 - ₹ 44,990
मौजूदा कीमत ₹ 44,990
MRP: ₹59990


Product Code 250113502300
Size 84 x 85 x 94CM
Materials LEATHER PU
Weight 18KG
Warranty ---
Assembly Time 10MIN
Package Size 91 x 86 x 83cm
Package Weight 20KG
The high-back backrest holds your head firmly and softly. The shape of the headrest wraps around your body from your back to your elbows, allowing you to lean back comfortably.

The image uses the color green. The high backrest wraps around you, and the frame is made of beautiful wood grain ash wood. The dignified design will lift the atmosphere of your room to the next level. The high backrest holds your head firmly and softly. The shape of the chair is designed to wrap around your back and elbows, allowing you to lean back comfortably. The seat is made from four layers of virgin urethane, which makes it hard to flatten and comfortable to sit on. With its modern, legged design, it is high enough off the floor to be compatible with robot vacuum cleaners. (This does not apply to some models. This is a sofa for one person. 【Detailed size (approx.)】Height of backrest: 60cm Leg height: 13cm 【Surface material and care method】■Natural leather (leather) (It is easy to get used to the skin, and it is flexible, durable, and has good moisture absorption and breathability. In addition, there is little change in quality due to temperature differences, and it is excellent in cold resistance. Because it is a natural material, if you neglect to look after it, it will become callused and the leather will deteriorate, but if you look after it properly, you can enjoy the original texture of the leather for a long time. ) How to look after it (It is necessary to look after it with a dedicated cleaner (sold separately). As leather cracks (keratinization) easily when it loses its oil content, it is necessary to clean it with a cleaner once every 4-5 months. ) Synthetic leather: Used on the sides and back. (This mainly refers to PVC (vinyl chloride leather), PU (polyurethane) and soft leather. It is strong against water and dirt, and is also characterized by its low price. In the case of soft leather, the flexibility and durability are close to those of leather. (If it gets dirty, it can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth, so it is easy to look after. If the surface gets dirty, it can be cleaned with a mild detergent. ) How to look after it (If it gets dirty, it can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth, so it is easy to look after. If the surface gets dirty, it can be cleaned with a mild detergent. ) [Seat spring and features] S-shaped spring (a spring that is arranged in parallel on an arch in an S-shape, and is the most common type of spring) [Delivery width] 70cm or more


※画像はグリーンカラーを使用しています。包み込むようなハイバックの背もたれと木目が美しいタモ材のフレーム。風格のあるデザインでお部屋の雰囲気をワンランクアップします。ハイバックな背もたれでしっかりと、柔らかく頭ホールド。背から肘までぐるりと囲むような形状で、ゆったりと体をもたれることができます。座面に4層のバージンウレタンを使用し、へたりにくく、快適な座り心地です。モダンな脚付きのデザインで床からの高さも充分にあり、ロボットクリーナーにも対応。※一部機種は除きます。こちらは1人用ソファです。【詳細サイズ(約)】背もたれの高さ:60cm脚高:13cm【表面素材とお手入れ方法】■天然皮革(革)(肌に馴染みやすく、柔軟性、耐久性吸湿性、通気性に富んでいます。又温度差による品質の変化が少なく 、耐寒性に優れています。天然素材のため、手入れを怠ると角質化がおこり革の劣化を引き起こしますが、しっかりお手入れいただくと、長く革本来の風合いをお楽しみいただけるものです。)お手入れ方法(別売の専用のクリーナーでのお手入れが必要。革は油分を失うとひび割れ(角質化)が起こりやすくなるため、4 -5ヶ月に1度はクリーナーでのお手入れが必要になります。)■合成皮革…側面・裏面などに使用。(主にPVC(塩化ビニールレザー),PU(ポリウレタン),ソフトレザ-を指します。水、汚れに強く、価格が安い事も大きな特徴です。ソフトレザ-においては柔軟性と耐久性を革に近づけています。)(汚れたら水拭きも簡単に行えるため、手軽にお手入れできます。表面が汚れた際には、中性洗剤を使うときれいになります。)お手入れ方法(汚れたら水拭きも簡単に行えるため、手軽にお手入れできます。表面が汚れた際には、中性洗剤を使うときれいになります。)【座面スプリングと特長】S型スプリング(S字状に波打たせたバネを並列にアーチ上に配したもので、最も一般的なスプリングです。)  【納品間口サイズ】70cm以上

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