बिक गया
मूल कीमत
₹ 34,990
मूल कीमत
₹ 34,990
मूल कीमत
₹ 34,990
₹ 34,990
₹ 34,990
मौजूदा कीमत
₹ 34,990
Product Code | 250150344000 |
Color | BEIGE |
Size | 120 x 60 x 40CM |
Materials | CERAMIC |
Weight | 35KG |
Warranty | --- |
Assembly Type | ASSEMBLED |
Assembly Time | 20MIN |
Package Size | - |
Package Weight | 37KG |
Made In | CHINA |
The actual size, color, structure, etc. are not guaranteed. The image uses the white version of the same series. The top plate is made of a ceramic material that is resistant to scratches. The surface is hard, so it is difficult to scratch even if it is rubbed with metal, etc. Because it is resistant to heat and fire, there is almost no discoloration or deformation even when hot pots and frying pans are placed on it. It is also a material that is resistant to not only heat but also cold. Because it is difficult to soak up stains, it is easy to clean up even if you spill seasonings or chemicals, just wipe it lightly. It is also OK to disinfect it with alcohol. It is resistant to ultraviolet rays, so it is unlikely to fade or deteriorate, and its beauty will last. *Ceramic is a type of pottery, such as porcelain. There is no need to worry about scratches or dents caused by dishes, stains caused by water or oil, or discoloration caused by heat. *In the case of the image, the accessories used are for display purposes only.
※実際のサイズ・色・構造 等を保証するものではありません※画像は同シリーズのホワイトを使用しています。天板には傷が付きにくいセラミック素材を使用。表面硬度が高く、金属などでこすっても傷が付きにくくなっています。熱や火に強いため、高温の鍋やフライパンを置いても、変色・変形がほとんどありません。また、熱さだけではなく冷たさにも強い素材です。染み込みにくいので、調味料はもちろん薬品などをこぼしても軽く拭くだけでお手入れが簡単。アルコール消毒もOKです。紫外線に強いので退色や劣化しにくく美しさも続きます。※セラミックとは陶磁器などと同じ焼き物の一種。食器などによる擦れ傷や凹み、水や油によるシミ、熱による変色の心配が不要です。※イメージ画像の場合、使用している小物等は演出品です。