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Original price
₹ 999
Original price
₹ 999
Original price
₹ 999
₹ 999
₹ 999
Current price
₹ 999
Product Code | 250744110700 |
Color | GRAY |
Size | 45 x0.1 x 250CM |
Materials | PVC |
Weight | 0.4KG |
Warranty | --- |
Assembly Type | ASSEMBLED |
Assembly Time | 0MIN |
Delivery Type | DROP OFF DELIVERY |
Package Size | 5 x 5 x 52cm |
Package Weight | 0.4KG |
Made In | CHINA |
1 sheet ● This is a wall sticker that you can easily apply by simply peeling off the release paper from the top of the wall It is a wall sticker that can be easily applied by simply peeling off the backing paper from the top of the wall. 【Things you will need】・Cutter・Ruler (for cutting the product)・Measuring tape (for measuring length)・Dry cloth・Pencil (a spatula or ruler can also be used as a substitute)【〇 Surfaces that can be applied to】・General vinyl wallpaper・Glossy painted surfaces・Plywood・Plasterboard【× Surfaces that cannot be applied to】・Textile wallpaper, fabric wallpaper, matte-finish painted surfaces, decorative plywood, decorative plasterboard for ceilings, mud walls, sand walls, plaster walls, bathrooms, outdoors, wallpaper with water-repellent coating, wallpaper with dirt-resistant coating, old wallpaper that is coming loose, wall surfaces that get hot from lighting or heating equipment, etc. Material Surface: Polyvinyl chloride resin Backing: Acrylic resin Release paper: Paper
1枚入り●壁の上からはく離紙をはがすだけで簡単に貼れる壁用シールです《用意するもの》・カッター・定規(本品をカットするため)・3m以上のメジャー(長さを測るため)・乾いたふきん・えんぴつ(ヘラや定規でも代用できます)【〇 貼れる面】・一般ビニル壁紙・ツヤ有り塗装面・ベニヤ板・石膏ボード【× 貼れない面】・織物壁紙、繊維壁・ツヤ消し塗装面・化粧合板・天井用化粧石膏ボード・土壁、砂壁、しっくい壁・浴室・屋外・はっ水コート処理された壁紙・汚れ防止処理された壁紙・はがれかかっている古い壁紙・照明器具、暖房器具などで高温になる壁面■材質表面:塩化ビニル樹脂裏面:アクリル系樹脂剥離紙:紙