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Original price ₹ 99,990 - Original price ₹ 99,990
Original price
₹ 99,990
₹ 99,990 - ₹ 99,990
Current price ₹ 99,990
MRP: ₹149900


Product Code 250115459000
Size 206 x 97 x 99CM
Weight 103.4KG
Warranty 5 years
Assembly Type ASSEMBLED
Assembly Time 30MIN
Package Size -
Package Weight 116.48KG
Made In Vietnam

The middle backrest is designed to be used as a table. This electric reclining sofa has excellent pressure dispersion and is comfortable to sit on. This leather type sofa is made from cow leather, which feels good against the skin.

The actual size, color, structure, etc. are not guaranteed.

This is an electric reclining sofa that can be adjusted to your preferred angle with its stepless reclining function. This is a genuine leather type (partially synthetic leather). The back, seat and armrests are made of cowhide, which is highly resilient and strong. It has a fine, smooth texture. The backrest is a high back that supports your neck. The three-stage cushion on the back and the bucket-shaped pure urethane cushion provide firm support for your body. The sofa with table for three people has a table that can be used to put drinks and small items on when the central seat is folded down. The reclining mechanism is operated by a button embedded in the side, so there are no cords or remote controls, giving the sofa a clean look. In addition, the switch has a USB port, so you can relax while charging your smartphone or other devices. The blue light on the USB socket is always on when the power is on. *Please use this product at least 10cm away from the wall. This is a sofa for three people. The center of the sofa for three people has a table in the backrest section. 【Surface material and care instructions】■Natural leather (leather) (easily adapts to the skin, is flexible, durable, and has good moisture absorption and breathability. It also has little change in quality due to temperature differences and is excellent in cold resistance. Because it is a natural material, if you neglect to care for it, it will become callused and the leather will deteriorate, but if you take good care of it, you can enjoy the original texture of the leather for a long time. S-shaped spring (S-shaped spring arranged in parallel on an arch, the most common type of spring) 65cm *The image shows the gray version for three people. This is a high-back fabric sofa with a backrest that hugs you. The height of the backrest is designed to support your head, so it won't put any strain on your neck.


※実際のサイズ・色・構造 等を保証するものではありません

無段階リクライニングでお好みの角度に調整できる電動リクライニングソファ。こちらは本革タイプ(一部合成皮革)です。背もたれ・座面・ひじ掛けに、弾力性と強度に優れたカウレザーの銀面革を使用。きめ細やかでなめらかな肌ざわりです。背もたれは首まで支えるハイバック。背部の3段クッションと、バケット型のピュアウレタンクッションが体をしっかりサポートします。「3人用テーブル付きソファ」は中央の座席を倒すとテーブルになり、飲み物やちょっとした小物を置くのに便利です。リクライニング操作は、側面の埋込み式ボタンで行え、コードやリモコンがないので見た目もスッキリ。また、スイッチ部分にはUSBポート付きなので、スマートフォンなどを充電しながらくつろげます。USBソケット部分の青色ランプは通電中、常時点灯しています。※壁から10cm以上開けてお使いください。こちらは3人用ソファです。※3人用の中央は、背もたれ部分がテーブルになります。【表面素材とお手入れ方法】■天然皮革(革)(肌に馴染みやすく、柔軟性、耐久性吸湿性、通気性に富んでいます。又温度差による品質の変化が少なく、耐寒性に優れています。天然素材のため、手入れを怠ると角質化がおこり革の劣化を引き起こしますが、しっかりお手入れいただくと、長く革本来の風合いをお楽しみいただけるものです。)お手入れ方法(別売の専用のクリーナーでのお手入れが必要。革は油分を失うとひび割れ(角質化)が起こりやすくなるため、4 -5ヶ月に1度はクリーナーでのお手入れが必要になります。)■合成皮革(主にPVC(塩化ビニールレザー),PU(ポリウレタン),ソフトレザーを指します。水、汚れに強く、価格が安い事も大きな特徴です。ソフトレザーにおいては柔軟性と耐久性を革に近づけています。)お手入れ方法(汚れたら水拭きも簡単に行えるため、手軽にお手入れできます。表面が汚れた際には、中性洗剤を使うときれいになります。)【座面スプリングと特長】S型スプリング(S字状に波打たせたバネを並列にアーチ上に配したもので、最も一般的なスプリングです。)【納品間口サイズ】65cm

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Relaxing time.

I bought an electric sofa in a different color from the manual type I had before. The electric version is slow, so it feels sluggish. It has a luxurious feel and is comfortable to sit on, but the cord gets in the way when you're cleaning, so I prefer the manual version for its functionality.

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