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Original price ₹ 74,990 - Original price ₹ 74,990
Original price
₹ 74,990
₹ 74,990 - ₹ 74,990
Current price ₹ 74,990
MRP: ₹119900


Product Code 2190600006910
Size 140 x 197 x 18CM
Weight 23.5KG
Warranty 5 years
Assembly Type ASSEMBLED
Assembly Time 0MIN
Package Size -
Package Weight 33.5KG
A mattress that envelops plenty of air and has high resilience. It is easy to turn over and prevents stuffiness. The mattress can be washed in its entirety

A mattress made with N-CORE®R, which has good air permeability, from the N-Sleep series developed by Nitori in pursuit of the ideal sleep. The top layer is a C-CORE® topper, and the bottom layer has three C-CORE® blocks of different firmness (one hard, two medium). The hard block is placed at the lower back to support the lower back and help maintain a natural sleeping posture. The intertwined C-CORE® material repels in all directions, supporting you as you turn over in your sleep. C-CORE® material allows moisture to escape through the gaps, keeping the air cool in summer and warm in winter for a comfortable feel. C-CORE® material can be washed in a washing machine. It dries quickly, so it's easy to clean. It's always clean. A bed pad is included under the cover. It can be secured with an elastic band and is not easily displaced. The cover fabric has antibacterial and deodorant properties. The cover, bed pad and C-CORE® material are all washable and hygienic. The cover can be opened and closed with a zipper. ●Uses Seacore, a 3D fiber spring structure. It repels in all directions and disperses body pressure, so it reduces the burden on the lower back and shoulders. It is highly breathable and does not get stuffy. The cover, bed pad and C-CORE® material are all washable and hygienic. Can be secured with an elastic band to prevent slipping. The upper layer is a 50mm-thick C-CORE® topper, and the lower layer has three 90mm-thick C-CORE® blocks of different firmness. The firm blocks are placed at the waist to support the natural sleeping posture by supporting the back in a straight position. Firmness: Firm Cover Material】●Top surface: Knitted fabric (with antibacterial and deodorant finish)●Bottom surface: Mesh fabric【Filling】Bed pad: 30mm C-CORE® topper: 50mm C-CORE® block: 90mm【Care instructions】●Hand wash in warm water (below 40℃) using a shower. Do not use a washing machine (this may cause damage). ● Do not use a brush or put your fingers in the gaps between the C-CORE blocks (this may cause damage or deterioration). ● Do not use a dryer or hair dryer (this may cause damage or deterioration). ● Avoid direct sunlight and hang it up in a well-ventilated place to dry in the shade. 【Precautions for use】●Do not use the C-CORE (internal cushioning material) alone. ●Do not use it close to a heat source such as a stove. (This may cause damage or deterioration.) ●Do not use it with hot items such as a futon dryer, electric blanket, or hot water bottle. (This may cause damage or deterioration.)


理想の眠りを追求した、ニトリ開発「Nスリープ」シリーズの通気性の良いC-CORE®Rを使用したマットレス。上段はC-CORE®トッパー、下段はかたさが違うC-CORE®ブロックを3枚配置。(かため1枚・ふつう2枚)腰部分にかためのブロックを設置し、腰をまっすぐに支えて自然な寝姿勢をサポートします。絡み合ったC-CORE®素材があらゆる方向に反発し睡眠中の寝返りをサポート。C-CORE®素材の隙間から湿気を逃がし、夏は涼しく、冬は暖かい空気をとどめて快適に。C-CORE®素材は丸洗い可能。乾きやすいのでお手入れラクラク。いつでも清潔。カバーの下にベッドパッド付き。ゴムバンドで固定できてズレにくい。カバー生地は、抗菌・防臭機能付き。カバー・ベッドパッド・C-CORE®素材は、すべて洗えて衛生的。カバーはファスナーで開閉できます。●3次元ファイバースプリング構造体のシーコアを使用。あらゆる方向に反発し、体圧を分散するので腰や肩の負担を軽減します。●通気性に優れ、ムレにくい。●カバー・ベッドパッド・C-CORE®素材は、すべて洗えて衛生的●カバーの下にベッドパッド付き。ゴムバンドで固定できてズレにくい●上段は厚さ50mmのC-CORE®トッパー、下段はかたさが違う厚さ90mmのC-CORE®ブロックを 3枚配置●腰部分にかためのブロックを設置し、腰をまっすぐに支えて自然な寝姿勢をサポート【硬さ】かため【カバー素材】●天面:ニット生地(抗菌防臭加工)●床面:メッシュ生地【詰め物】ベッドパッド:30mmC-CORE®トッパー:50mmC-CORE®ブロック:90mm【お手入れ方法】●シャワーを使用し、40℃以下のぬるま湯で手洗いをしてください。洗濯機は使用しないでください。(破損の原因となります)●ブラシを使用したり、C-COREブロックのすきまに指を入れないでください。(破損や劣化の原因となります)●乾燥機・ドライヤーを使用しないでください。(破損や劣化の原因となります)●直射日光を避け、風通しの良い場所に立てかけて陰干ししてください。【使用上のご注意】●C-CORE(内部クッション材)だけで使用しないでください。●ストーブ等、熱源に近づけて使用しないでください。(破損や劣化の原因となります)●ふとん乾燥機や電気毛布、湯たんぽ等高温のものと使用しないでください。(破損や劣化の原因となります)

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